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  • Writer's pictureSana & Tanisha

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The author in this book displays in front of us the last few years of his life, to interact and make his intimate self known to the readers so that they can understand where the words are coming from. Very briefly, he pens down a consolidated version of his life story in the form of facts and honest confessions.

His experience of the harshness of life might not be unique because well, all of us witness life's torturous side at some point or other but this autobiographical account is used by the author as a point of view with which the readers can relate and comprehend the other half of the book as it follows.

The author empathizes with one and all who are struggling to overcome hurdles in life and extends his helping hand with his mind conditioning techniques. The author sternly advocates to live and do in the present and steer clear of procrastination.

After a brief description of the functioning of the human mind he provides a schematic DSLR mind test to assess one's self control. He enumerates certain principles that would help the readers to develop their personality alongside their mind.

From book recommendations to skin care routine, the author touches upon a plethora of subjects to guide and motivate the readers like a friend mentor. The meticulously thought out structure of the book itself is a proof of how mindful the author is. This is a really pleasant self-help book if you're looking for one.


Rating : 4.5/5 โญ

- Tanisha

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