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  • Writer's pictureSana Afreen

Author's Interview : CORNFLAKES by Christiane Tann

1.How did you deal with emotional impact of a book (on yourself) as you were writing the story? Answer :There is a lot of myself in this novel: The general topic of guilt and how one deals with it, Lucky’s panic attack in the shower, Nina’s struggle to overcome her past… It was difficult to write at times, but it also felt therapeutic in a way.

2. Is there lots to do before you drive in and start writing the story? Answer : It usually starts with an idea in my mind. A small fragment, if you will. I will then outline a very rough draft and plan my research accordingly. I usually research “on the go” 3. If you had to describe the character of Nina in three words, what would those three words be? Answer : Desperate, Desolate, Dainty

4. Your story is set in 20th Century. Why did you choose that as the setting for your book? Answer : I love the 1920s since reading The Great Gatsby for the first time. It was an intriguing era that brought a lot of changes in society, such as emancipation, technical advantages, but also an array of challenges. I love comparing the 1920s and 2020s.

5. Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why? Answer : I love the main cast equally. Nina and Lucky both feel like fragments of myself and it would be hard to choose one over the other. I did enjoy creating Antoine, who only plays a very small part in the Novel. He has a forced optimism about him but there is something very melancholic about the character.

6. What was your hardest scene to write? Answer: The scene with Lucky in the hospital in Spain went to gazillions of drafts before I was happy with his thoughts and actions. I knew where I wanted to go with this, but I wanted to get the tone absolutely right.

7. What are the ethics of writing about such strong topics like LGBTQ and social evils? Answer :The Friendship and Freedom Organisation mentioned in the novel did really exist and was the first known gay charity in the US. At the same time, homosexuality was still a crime. I wanted to portray both sides while remaining as true to the facts as possible. I do not advertise my novel as an LGBT read, Rather, it is a historical, coming of age story, that simply happens to have an LGBT side character.

8. What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book? Answer : There were some interesting tidbits about the 1920s that I discovered, but I don’t want to talk about those just now as they will be featured in my next novel. One surprising thing I discovered about myself is that I actually enjoy getting up at 4am in the morning to write.

9. Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about? Answer : I’m currently working on two exciting projects: Carousel, my new novel: 18th June 1925: Antoine starts the first day of the last year of his life. He withdraws all of his money and makes a plan. A deep dive into the flamboyant Parisian nightlife is only the beginning. A rollercoaster journey all across the world is not the end. All because of the one person who is his opposite in every way. And the German Translation of Cornflakes: Waffen, Rennwagen und ein dunkles Geheimnis. Nie zuvor waren die 20er so wild.

10. What do you hope your readers take away from this book? Answer : Firstly, I hope they simply enjoy the book and the characters’ journey. But I also hope to show them the outside the Great Gatsby and show them a different side of that wonderful era.

Interviewer : Sana.

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